Past Exhibits
Cape Cod Art Association's "Landscapes," January
Concord Art Association's "Members Juried 1," January
Newton Art Association's "Juried Member Show," Mosesian Center for the Arts, February-March
New Art Center's Holzwasser Gallery Small Group Show, "Weightless," April
Newton Open Studios NOS Weekend, April
NewTV Presents, "Pursuing the Elements," Small Group Show, April
New Art Center's "Creative Process" Exhibit. May-June
Beacon Gallery, "Synaesthesia"- Abstract Art and Creative Writing, Small Group Show, June-July
Newton Art Association’s Annual Awards Show, September
Concord Art Association’s Roddy Show, September
Mosesian Center for the Arts Member Show, September and October
"Watercolors - Four Views," Small Group Show at The Betty Meyer Gallery, February
Cape Cod Art Association's "Artist's Visions", February-March
Provincetown Art Association and Museum's "Members Juried Show," March
Newton Open Studios NOS Weekend, April
New Art Center's "Creative Process" Exhibit. May-June
Cape Cod Art Association's "National Show," July-August
Provincetown Art Association and Museum's "Members 12x12 Show," August/September
Cambridge Art Association's "MARY SCHEIN FALL SALON," September
Newton Art Association’s "Annual Awards Show," September
New England Watercolor Society’s (NEWS) "Regional Show," September-October
Newton Free Library, "Color and Line-Dichotomy and Dialog," Solo Show, October
Newton Art Association's "James King Bonnar Show," New Art Center, December
Cambridge Art Association's "Winter Break," January-February
Newton Art Association’s Board Exhibit, January - March
Newton Art Association's "James King Bonnar Show," New Art Center, February-March
Cape Cod Art Association's "EASEL ART,"" March-April
Newton Open Studios NOS Weekend, April
Newton Art Association's Member Show at Betty Meyer Gallery, May/June
New Art Center's "Creative Process" Exhibit. May-June
Newton Art Association's "A Sense of Scandinavia," at the Scandinavian Cultural Center, June
Newton Art Association's Member Show at Morse Institute Library, June through August
Provincetown Art Association and Museum's "Members 12x12 Show," August-September
Newton Open Studios "Juried Summer Selective," August/September
Cambridge Art Association's "MARY SCHEIN FALL SALON," September
Newton Art Association’s "Annual Awards Show," September
Concord Art Association's "17th Annual Roddy Competition," September-October
Newton Art Association's "REFLECTIONS OF OCTOBER," Wedeman Gallery at Lasell College, October
NewTV Presents "Pursuing Nature," Small Group Show, November
South Shore Art Center Juried Show "Out of Order", November-December
Cape Cod Art Association's "Landscapes," January
Concord Art Association's "Members Juried 1," January
Newton Art Association's "Juried Member Show," Mosesian Center for the Arts, February-March
New Art Center's Holzwasser Gallery Small Group Show, "Weightless," April
Newton Open Studios NOS Weekend, April
NewTV Presents, "Pursuing the Elements," Small Group Show, April
New Art Center's "Creative Process" Exhibit. May-June
Beacon Gallery, "Synaesthesia"- Abstract Art and Creative Writing, Small Group Show, June-July
Newton Art Association’s Annual Awards Show, September
Concord Art Association’s Roddy Show, September
Mosesian Center for the Arts Member Show, September and October
"Watercolors - Four Views," Small Group Show at The Betty Meyer Gallery, February
Cape Cod Art Association's "Artist's Visions", February-March
Provincetown Art Association and Museum's "Members Juried Show," March
Newton Open Studios NOS Weekend, April
New Art Center's "Creative Process" Exhibit. May-June
Cape Cod Art Association's "National Show," July-August
Provincetown Art Association and Museum's "Members 12x12 Show," August/September
Cambridge Art Association's "MARY SCHEIN FALL SALON," September
Newton Art Association’s "Annual Awards Show," September
New England Watercolor Society’s (NEWS) "Regional Show," September-October
Newton Free Library, "Color and Line-Dichotomy and Dialog," Solo Show, October
Newton Art Association's "James King Bonnar Show," New Art Center, December
Cambridge Art Association's "Winter Break," January-February
Newton Art Association’s Board Exhibit, January - March
Newton Art Association's "James King Bonnar Show," New Art Center, February-March
Cape Cod Art Association's "EASEL ART,"" March-April
Newton Open Studios NOS Weekend, April
Newton Art Association's Member Show at Betty Meyer Gallery, May/June
New Art Center's "Creative Process" Exhibit. May-June
Newton Art Association's "A Sense of Scandinavia," at the Scandinavian Cultural Center, June
Newton Art Association's Member Show at Morse Institute Library, June through August
Provincetown Art Association and Museum's "Members 12x12 Show," August-September
Newton Open Studios "Juried Summer Selective," August/September
Cambridge Art Association's "MARY SCHEIN FALL SALON," September
Newton Art Association’s "Annual Awards Show," September
Concord Art Association's "17th Annual Roddy Competition," September-October
Newton Art Association's "REFLECTIONS OF OCTOBER," Wedeman Gallery at Lasell College, October
NewTV Presents "Pursuing Nature," Small Group Show, November
South Shore Art Center Juried Show "Out of Order", November-December